by admin | juny 7, 2021 | EN
Do not miss this article entitled «Unleashing the Power of Data»! CIOReview delves into the information age and the predominant role of data for organizations, while looking at Bibold’s capabilities to meet these challenges. Also, our CIO Ricard...
by admin | juny 7, 2021 | ES
No us perdeu aquest article titulat “Alliberant el Poder de les Dades”! CIOReview aprofundeix en l'era de la informació i el paper predominant de les dades per a les organitzacions, alhora que analitza les capacitats de Bibold per fer front a aquests reptes...
by admin | maig 20, 2021 | EN
We are proud to announce that CIOReview magazine has selected Bibold among the top 10 European companies at the forefront of providing Big Data technology & services for 2021. CIOReview is a leading technology magazine based in Fremont/California...
by admin | maig 20, 2021 | ES
Estem orgullosos d'anunciar que CIOReview ha seleccionat a BIBOLD entre les 10 companyies europees a l'avantguarda de la prestació de serveis i tecnologia #BigData per a aquest 2021. CIOReview és una revista líder en tecnologia amb seu a...
by admin | maig 20, 2021 | EN
We have opted for a complete renovation with an updated, clear and intuitive design. We have also added a new news section where we are updating new projects and interesting topics of our world Data. We hope you like it!!...